My Approach

How I Work As A Mediator

I work calmly.

I come to the table with an open heart to be in helpful caring service to clients who need support through difficult times.

I arrive with the fortitude of practice to set a peaceful container of goodwill and patience with ourselves, each other and the various goals and hopes with which we each arrive.

The listening that is facilitated and encouraged is with curiosity verses ‘forever-always’ knowing. This allows for discoveries of new aspects or interests not previously understood, and the new information is helpful and uplifting.

Invited in to each session is:

  1. Patience with each other.

  2. Awareness, we are in session in response to requested need of support -

    (which is rarely easy to ask for even when the need is high).

  3. An understanding and acceptance that we all do the best we can.

  4. We each need certain conditions to be met to play well with others.

As a facilitator I am here to listen deeply, to help re-frame what is said to offer both parties more clarity and a new perspective.

Though I guide a conversation so both parties get to express their perspective, and deeply hear each other, I also do not advise nor settle disputes for anyone,

Resolutions happen between the participants – when more thorough heartfelt understanding is gained.